Step#1: Enable presence globally on Cisco Call manager
By default presence subscription is disable on CCM.
System>Service parameter>Cisco Call Manager>
search for “Inter-presence” key word and set “Allow Subscription”
Step#2: Create SIP trunk Security Profile in CCM
Special setting is required for SIP trunk which runs from CCM to Presence.
Copy “non Secure SIP Trunk Profile” to “Presence non-secure SIP trunk Proifle”
Modify below parameters:
Device security mode: Non-Secure
Incoming Transport type: TCP+UDP
Outgoing Transport Type: TCP
Incoming Port 5060 (untick Enable digest authentication)
Enable application Level Authentication UNTICK
Accept Presence Subscription TICK
Accept Out-of-Dialogue REFER TICK
Accept Unsoliciliated Notification TICK
Accept Replace header TICK
Transforms security status UNTICK
Save it
Step#3: Add a SIP trunk now from CCM to Presence
Protocol = SIP
fill below:
Description : blah blah
Device Pool : DP_HQ
Common Dev conf : None
call classification : On-Net
Media resource Grp : MRG_HQ
Location : HQ_LOC
AAR GROUP : HQ_AARG (if not using AAR leave empty)
Packet Capture mode : None
Packet Capture duration: 0
MTP required : TICK
Retry Video call as audio : TICK
SIP information – Desitnation Add:
Destination port : 5060
SIP PROFILE : Presence non-secure SIP trunk Proifle
Save above.
Step#3: Make your IP Phone presence capable
Register a phone 2001 name it HQ-Phone1
Create end user “test” and associate HQ-Phone1/2001 with the “test” user
Make sure test user is a part of “Standard CCM End User” and “standard CTI enable”
Make sure Primary extension “2001” is selected when you create the above “test” user
Step#3: Add an application user for IPPM and MOC CTI ports
This will be used by Presence server to initiate IP Phone services:
A) Go to > User Management>Application User>
User ID : IPPM
pass : blah
Presence Grp : Standard
Groups : Standard CCM End User
save it
Repeat above “A” steps for moc_user as well. moc_user will be used by MOC CTI user in Presence. All user who want presence using Microsoft MOC client will be associated to this user.
Make sure all “accept” tick boxes are TICKED on moc_user.
B) Go to > SYSTEM>Application Server> Add NEW
add Presence server IP address here I..e
save this as well. Damn too many things to save
Step#4: Create IP Phone service URL
Go to> Device>Device Settings> IP Phone Service
Service Name : IP PhoneMSG
ASCII Service Name : IP PhoneMSG
Service Description : Blah
Service URL : blah
Service Category : XML Service
Service Type : Standard IP Phone Service
Enable : TICK
It’s standard Phone URL we create and subscribe in CCM. Nothing new!!
Make sure you copy the correct URL from the DOC CD.
Save above as well.
****Then subscribe above service to HQ phone1/2001*****
Step#5: Enable presence Licensing for each user
Go to> System>License>Capability Assignment>
Then Find the end user you want to assign the presence license.
Tick the user and hit <Bulk Assignment>
a new pop up window with pop-up. Tick both check-boxes in that and save.
- Enable CUP – TICK
- Enable CUPC - TICK
Step#6: Add CUPC client in CCM for HQ 2001 phone
The trick here is, this is a dummy phone which will control provide HQ Phone1/2001′s presence information to Presence server. Add this dummy presence client and add a HQ2001 DN to it.
Go to> Device>Phone> add NEW
Phone Type : Unified Personal Communicator then hit <NEXT>
Device Name : XXXCISCO
Device Pool : DP_HQ
Phone Button Templ : Personal Communicator SIP blah
CSS : Blah select all common things
Owner user ID : test ← a must
leave everything else default
Device security profile : Unified Personal Communicator Standard
SIP profile : Standard SIP profile
Digest User : test ← a must ** read more about this
Save everything above
so far so good , well done
Now add a DN to this above device: (same as HQ phone1 shared one)
Directory Number : 2001
everything else … default or your customizeble >> Save above
Once above dummy device is added, associate this device with “test” user we created previously. Now you remember we have 2 device associated with this user: A) 2001 phone and B) XXXCISCO
Also Make Physical phone DN2001 has “test” user associated with it. This is the last option in line 2001′s setting before “save” button. If this has not been done and you run presence diagnostic it will keep telling you that “No line appreance existed in CCM blah blah”
That s all we needed to do on Call Manager. Now Jump on the Presence BOX.
Step#7: Presence box general configuration:
After installing basic presence, you’ll see presence post install setup screen on your web browser by typing presence Server IP address on your browser and supplying credentials to the login screen.
(hehe, I call it doggie screen, sitting like a dog waiting for your fingers to feed it like dog wait for food )
So you’ll see “Post Install Setup” screen with below options:
CUCM Publisher IP address : (default, not changeble)
AXL User : Administrator
(I’m too lazy to create a new one, for production server you must create a new AXL user for security reason.)
Axl password : blah blah..
Confirm password : blah blah <then hit the “NEXT”>
Security password : blah blah (whatever you supplied during installation)
Then hit the “CONFIRM” (Ignore the warning)
Finally you will get 3 options:
A) Home B) Status C) TOPOLOGY
Click on “HOME” you’ll see you are in a new home
i.e. preseence main admin page.
Step#8: Upload License and Activate presence Services
first upload the license if you haven’t done that so far.
GO to > Cisco Unified Servicebility>>Tools>Activate services
Activate all services, it will take 2-3 minutes.
Step#9: Configure Presence
Jump straight on Presence Admin page>>Diagnostic>System Troubleshootor
Pay attention to RED crossed balls and yellow exclamation ! Signs and fix them one by one.
Under Presence Engine: Click on FIX under “no commnication presence” this will take you to add presence gateway:
Add NEW>
Presence Gateway type : CUCM
description : blahPresence Gateway : ← CCM IP
Double check the settings under below menus:
SYSTEM> CCM Publisher : Check all parameter under this
SYSTEM> Application Listioner>Default class SIP TCP Listioner (make sure its what you have defined in the SIP trunk on CCM – transport method TCP or UDP, both should have the same protocol/port) we are using:
Protocol = TCP
PORT = 5060 -
Add NEW> description=blah/all address pattern=all
Step#10: Tune the Presence Engine’s Service parameter (same as we do with CCM)
SYSTEM>> Service Parameter>Select active CUPS Server> Select Presence Engine
Search “Proxy Domain” and set it to : (or domain name)
Search “Transport Preferred Order” and set it to : TCP/UDP/TLS
Step#10: Iconfigure P Phone Messenger on Presence server
Application>IP Phone> Setting
IPPM Application Status : ON
Application user Name : IPPMSG (created in step 3A)
Application Password : blah…
confirm password : Blah
Max Instant message : 25 default
Subscription timeout : 3400 default
Publish timeout : 3600 default
Hit “SAVE”
Step#11: Select a SIP trunk between Presence to CCM
Tell presence which SIP trunk should be used for pumping calls to CCM.
MAX Contact List Size : 200
Enable Instalt messeging : TICK
Enable SIP Publish on CUCM TICK
CUCM SIP Publish Trunk : <Select_Your_Trunk><– A MUST
Don’t forget to save after above. Above SIP trunk will be automatically listed in above “5”. This we is the one we created on CCM.
Step#12: Set TFTP address for IP COMMUNICATOR Clients
Application>Unified IP Personal Communicator>Settings
Proxy Listenor : Default Cisco SIP proxy TCP Listenor
Primary TFTP : (CCM pub tftp)
Backup TFTP : (sub tftp) or whatever
LDAP – if you are using LDAP put LDAP parameters there. Else disable it.
Step#13: For MOC client define CTI Gateway
Application>>CUCM CTI Gateway>Settings
Application Status : ON
Application Username : moc_user (make sure its created on CCM as app usr)
Application Password : blah
Confirmed Password : blah
CUCM Address : (CCM address)
Now time to run the Presence troubleshooter again. This will tell you whats remaining and how to fix it. Once those are done, activate the presence and other services and bingo.. you are ready to rocck!! on hang on, oh no!! Still remaining:
MOC integration
Creating users and testing presence
Voicemail integration with Presence